An Exercise In Persistence or A Penny Saved

Cell Phones:  I use a cell phone that is about 5 to 7 years old.  At the time I purchased it at Best Buy ($49.99), it was offered with a "Triple Your Minutes" bonus.  What that means is that each time I buy a refill on the term of service and the minutes for Data, Calling, and Text, what ever amount I buy is tripled at no extra cost.  A few years ago Tracfone phased out these bonus plans, but for those of us that still use those phones, as long as the phone works, Tracfone has to honor these plans.

Depending on our usage of minutes on our "Pay as you go" Tracfones, I will either purchase just another year of use, or a refill for the Data, Talk, and Text minutes.  The term of service is not tripled, only the minutes.

Unlike the more common "unlimited" plans that most people have where they pay a set monthly fee for their cell phones, for years we have had Tracfones, where you buy a set number of minutes annually, which brings the cost down to less than $5 a month for each of our phones.  

Normally, I wait until a couple of weeks before the current usage year is up before I buy the next refill.  I buy the cheapest refill I can find on Ebay.  This year I bought this one:

 To determine your monthly average cost, you simply divide what you paid for the refill, by 12.  In this case it started out as $82.72 divided by 12 = $6.89 a month for our next years usage.  The cost of buying just another year's usage and no additional minutes would have been $30 less than that.

 The way it works is the seller will deposit the duration and minutes into your cell phone account within a few days of your purchase.  They'll email you when they've done that.

 I started out with plenty of minutes, and normally, all I would have purchased this year, like I did for the past 2 years, is an extension of time, not more minutes.  However, I have never seen anyone offer 2000 minutes before for that price, and it was too good a deal to pass up.

 After I received the seller's email, I checked my Tracfone account, and only the number of days left had changed.  This is a screen capture I did of my account summary. You can see I have more than a year since I added to what was left of a bank of time that didn't run out until May.  Somehow, in the process, I ended up with an expiration a month later, in June.  That is reflected at the bottom of this picture where it says, Service Period.


 When I contacted the seller, he said if my minutes didn't show up in a day or two, to contact Tracfone, which I did.

 When I called Tracfone the first time 3 days ago, the only thing that changed after the call was that they added another year of service to my contract.  That was a mistake.  I already received the year extension I purchased.  So now, I had a free year, for a total of 2 more years of use.  That brought my average monthly cost to operate my cell phone down to this.  $82.72 divided by 24 = $3.45 a month.  Me, likey!

 I had to call Tracfone again and go through the wait which is always 8 to 30 minutes.  I opted to have them call me back instead of hanging on the line.  When I got the call back, I explained to the first person I spoke with that I bought a refill for 1 year of service and 2000 minutes.  All I received was the year of service refill, not the minutes.  After putting me on hold numerous times, they finally came back and said they couldn't change anything, and would transfer me to a "manager."  I had to explain everything all over again.  This time, this manager was able to get me the 2000 minutes, but it didn't triple.  He said to wait until the next day and call back for that.

This is what my account summary showed after I got the 2 year extension of service contract time, and the base increase of 2000 minutes:


 At this point I still wanted the rest of my "Triple."  

 I called Tracfone again yesterday morning, went through their bs routine of sending me a text to verify my phone, explaining everything to the first customer service person, then after they said they had to transfer me I talked to a "manager."  He was able to finish my triple minutes for making calls, but my data minutes and texting minutes remained the same.

 I took a break from Tracfone..

 We went to Costco and MR headed for the pharmacy for Tango's meds, and I went to the Optical department to return my new glasses.  The clerk didn't want to accept them.  He said that they only take returns for defects.  I persisted to assert that I simply couldn't wear them because they were heavy and tearing into my nose.  After the 3rd go round, he acquiesced, and I picked out a new lighter frame, with smaller lens, all in the hopes of a less painful pair.

 After my afternoon nap I called Tracfone again to get my other minutes.  The first person I talked with finished like everyone else, telling me they couldn't add the minutes and would transfer me to a "supervisor."   While I was on hold waiting for the transfer I got cut off and had to start all over again with another person, explaining my situation, waiting for the text with the code to verify my identity. blah, blah, blah.

 This time, the woman I spoke with and explained everything to (I think I was up to 4 times in all), told me at the end she couldn't do anything, and wasn't permitted to transfer me to anyone else.  WTF?!!!!

 I explained to her that I had already talked to 3 other people who also told me that they couldn't not do anything else, and they all transferred me to a "manager" or "supervisor" so why couldn't she?  She argued with me for 10 minutes, and I told her, "This is unacceptable.  I've been buying refill time for the past 8 years without a problem with the triple minutes, and now you're telling me I'm supposed to accept that only my phone minutes are tripled?"  I demanded to speak with her supervisor and she refused to transfer me to anyone else.

After another 5 minutes I ran out of patience, and for the first time in years, I screamed at her.  I asked her, "Are you a mental defective, because you're sure acting like one?"

We went round and round for another 5 minutes, and I ended up hanging up on her, and starting the whole process all over again with someone else, which included going through a telephone maze, and the call back wait.

On this call I was connected with an older sounding woman.  She was very polite, and every time during the call when she achieved something she would say, "Congratulations, I have located your records." Whatever step she took, she put me on hold for a minute or two, and came back and started with "Congratulations."

This time I laid out the facts to her, and didn't mention how many times I had called or how the previous person refused to transfer me, and kept saying, she couldn't change anything. 

I don't know what magic powers the older woman had, but she did not need to transfer me to anyone.  She was able to get me my balance of data time, and text minutes.

 This is the final outcome, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  


Anyone who has enough money to buy an "unlimited plan" and not suffer this crap, or who is unwilling to persist as I do in these situations is very fortunate.  I fight to save pennies so we can afford to have money to spend in other areas.  I wish I didn't have to, but it is, what it is.  I'm just glad we're not struggling like some retirees on fixed incomes.  

Sometimes though, when I find a loose shopping cart at Aldi, which means when I return it after I put my groceries in the car, I'll receive a quarter to put in my pocket, I think to myself, "Look at where life has taken me, I'm getting excited over a quarter!"  

 I hope this phone and I last as long as these minutes do.

 I wasn't able to pursue additional minutes on MR's phone.  Her sister bought it for her, and it was a newer phone that didn't have the triple minutes bonus.

 When this phone dies on me, I have a slightly newer and larger phone that is also triple your minutes on refills that I'll switch to because in the words of Benjamin Franklin, "A penny saved, is a penny earned."
