The Cookie That Changed Our Lives


The Cookie That Changed Our Lives


 Stu Cassell


2009 opened a 55 gallon drum of “whup-ass” on my wife and me.  We both lost our jobs, and weren’t able to find new ones in our home town of St. Louis, Missouri.

 One afternoon Mary Rose was in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies.  She took the first batch out of the oven and channeling Martha Stewart, turned to me and asked, “Wouldn’t it be fun to own a bed and breakfast?”

 I was surprised to hear the question because Mary Rose is not prone to radical changes, yet here she was proposing we both embark upon a completely different path.  Not only that, but one that required we sell our home and move to who knows where?

 I, on the other hand, welcome change and new adventures.  I immediately started looking for one we could afford.  I found one in Montana, and one in Avon Park, Florida

Tired of snow, we opted to visit Avon Park.   After seeing the house which overlooks Lake Verona, we fell in love with it, and the area.  We made an offer that was accepted and returned to St. Louis to sell our home and prepare for the move.

 Our first year here was difficult.  Perhaps the sellers exaggerated their income – in much the same way a fish that got away grows with each mile between the lake and home.  We began to question the wisdom of our move, yet many wonderful things have occurred since we moved here.

 Mary Rose joined the Heart of Highland Show Chorus.  They found out I used to perform stand-up comedy and asked me to be their emcee at their show February 26th, which I am delighted to do.

 We joined the Avon Park and Sebring Recreation Clubs and not only have made some wonderful new friends, but are now addicted to shuffleboard.  One of my new shuffle friends, Dick, sold me his boat, and we subsequently became fishing buddies.

 Even before we moved I began to interact with some local residents who were on the Highlands County forum of this newspaper.  Upon our arrival, Burt and Allen from the forum stopped by our house to welcome us, and we became friends with them and Burt’s wife Judy.  We’ve gone fishing, and had each other over for dinners and game nights.  Note to self: Make sure you don’t lock your keys in a running car when on a boat ramp.  Burt came and drove me home from Lake Glenada to get our spare keys.   

 We joined the Avon Park Chamber of Commerce and met KelliPaige and Pat at a mixer and subsequently became friends with them and their beautiful family. They shared a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner with us.  Note to self: When a road turns to sand, don’t think speeding up will get you through it.  Pat came with his truck and pulled us out.

 Other great things have happened. 

 Dave Greenslade, director of the Avon Park Chamber of Commerce, asked for volunteers to drive trams at a Flywheelers show, and I did.  What fun that was!

 I was recently asked to serve on the board of the Avon Park Recreation Club and I accepted.

 This past July we received the Avon Park Chamber of Commerce 2009-2010 beautification award for the improvements we made to the exterior and interior of our property.

 Mary Rose recently got a job, and almost immediately business in our bed and breakfast picked up. 

 Last but not least, I’m writing this weekly column.

 We have a new life, new friends, new activities, the likes of which we’ve never had before – and to think, it all started with a cookie. 









