Over Achieving at Crystal Lake Club

 While we were trying to sell 310 East Main St. in Avon Park, Florida, I took a position as Community Manager at Crystal Lake Club retirement community.  The previous manager had "coasted" most of her 8 years there.  The following list is what I did in my first 8 weeks at Crystal Lake Club in 2012.

Purchased and set up 2 computer systems in office

Purchased new printer for Cindy, office assistant.

"Tuned-up" Frieda's (previous manager) computer uninstalling unnecessary programs to speed it up for use with scanner & gate panel uploads

Installed signal extender in Pro-Shop so they could connect to the internet

Set-up computer system for residents in library with Internet access and printer using system from Sales area.

Cleared beach of grass

Replaced pool pump

Got spa break-downs under control - manufacturer recall on filter

Replace modem and router with new modem/router (needed for new computer systems)

Installed Microsoft Office 2010 on new office computers

Coordinated start of sewage plant decommission and sale of items there

Coordinated replacement of street signs and stops signs throughout community

Created rental move out inspection form

Modified exterior change application

Modified resident violation form

Created new newsletter and took over publishing it

Installed Quicken to use for tracking Wells Fargo checking account

Purchased 15 mph shirts to wear every Friday

Set up management bulletin area in clubhouse lobby

Cleared sales area and Heather's (sales manager) office

Coordinated with HOA to send out management bulletins via via their E-Blast

Purchased video surveillance system for guard shack & negotiated upgrade of dvr (4 times storage of old system) with cameras with better lenses.

Purchased signs for clubhouse parking lot and entry to clubhouse

Purchased new leaf blower

Held staff lunches - BBQ'd hamburgers and hot dogs for one of them

Outlined Prospectus and Rules to use during Prospectus Meetings with new residents

Started giving tours of clubhouse to new residents during Prospectus Meetings

Performed over exterior modification inspections

Began exterior inspections of community with photo documentation of violations 

Ordered business cards 

Ordered name tag

Held staff meetings and did safety presentation

Learned how to access timecards and began reviewing them for missed punch in punch outs

Posted 5 day demand letters 

Met with HOA board members, chairmen, and residents to schedule their events for 2012-2013

Took over making out Golf sign-up sheets and revenue collections after Pro-Shop closed for the summer

Held Dance for residents

Purchased pool lounge chairs and umbrellas

Purchased phone system

Purchased 5 card tables and 20 chairs

Purchased digital camera

Installed virus protection on 3 office computers

Inspected community and sent out violation notices and follow-up notices

Designed and purchased 3 signs for dog designated areas

Collected bid for roof replacement

Upgraded electrical circuits at RV storage lot

Added street light at gate near guard shack to improve video visibility

Designed, printed, and laminated resident ID cards

Met with Avon Park City Manager regarding additional sewage lines

Collected bid and supervised installation of drain between residents homes on Crystal Lake Dr.

Created rental contract for RV-Boat storage area
